I have been learning so much about this phrase recently; at least so much more than I thought I knew before. You know how when you ask God to help you with your struggles, like I have been asking God to help me not be so selfish, it seems like He gives you a chance to prove that you can be better? Well that keeps happening and after so many times of trying to get it 'right' I tend to give up on myself and the people around me. I am glad that I have so many friends encouraging me to keep running the race before me and believing in me. It makes such a big difference I don't know how to explain it enough.
Anyways, it dawned on me not too long ago that the Devil likes it when I am absorbed in myself and forget the reason what I am living for. Like I wrote in a much earlier post, he can break me easier when I am alone versus when I am surrounded by the people of God. I would keep getting these whispers in my ear of how maybe some friends were just enduring my faults to get at my good characteristics but it isn't necessarily true. Hannah, Jubilee, and Miss Dossie are classic examples of that because I keep second guessing myself and my beliefs of how much they are for me. I forget how much we have gone through together and how much they really do love me. I guess through all of this writing I want to thank my friends that keep me walking on the straight and narrow path towards the Father. I really am very grateful for every one of them :)
Thank you so much everyone for your support in everything! I love you!